Episode 65: Creature Feature: Giants

“You sure do look pretty, Miss Leslie. Pert nigh good enough to eat!”
-Jett Rink, Giant

Now, imagine a 15-foot tall James Dean saying that. Size matters. In this installment of Creature Features, we discuss giants of legend and fiction. Go big or go home.


Episode 64: Literature Lessons: Animals

“Not to recommend Canadian hip hop; that is the Law. Are we not Men?”
“Not to talk about dolphin sex; that is the Law. Are we not Men?”
“Not to tear up during an episode; that is the Law. Are we not Men?”

Apparently not, because we break every law. In this episode, we discuss some classic “animal” novels and how to play animals in games.


Episode 63: Movie Genres: Thrillers

“No, we’re okay, now that we’re not murdered or anything.”
-Joy Ride

In this episode, we debut another series: movie genres. To kick it off, we discuss thrillers and what thrilling tricks we can use in our games to make them more, yup, thrilling. Lyal talks about submarine movies. Wayne talks about submarine movies. No, wait, that was Lyal talking over Wayne. Chris talks about getting a lot of “great ideas” from Lady in the Water, despite it being pretty far from thrilling and pretty far from great.

Chris podcasts from inside a can again.


Episode 61: Campaign Confessions: Time & Temp

“Welcome to the team. This is your cubicle and over there is the break room. Oh, oh, and I almost forgot. Ahh, I’m gonna need you to come in on Saturday and go back in time to, ah, fix some temporal anomalies.”

Are you tired of playing heroes? Is it bad for your self-esteem? Well, Time & Temp, a game of “time travel and underemployment”, is the answer. Play the low man on the office totem pole and travel time.
For some reason, Chris wanted to record from inside a can. We told him it wasn’t a good idea, but the man is a huge Oscar the Grouch fan.


Episode 60: Warriors: Vikings

“A man can carry no better load than too much good sense, and no worse one than yo’ mama.” – Viking proverb (kind of)

Straight outta Oslo, crazy Viking warrior named Brand,
From the podcast called Erik Red Hands.
Before anthrax, there’s my scramasax,
Swing the iron and bodies get axed.

In the second in our Warriors series, we bring the fury of the Norsemen to any game. Act bravely and the skalds will sing of your deeds forever.


Episode 59: Campaign Confessions: Marvel Heroic Roleplaying

Another Idle Reds Hands first, TRUE BELIEVERS! We review a game, Marvel Heroic Roleplaying: Basic Game, in the same year that it is released.
LISTEN TO: The elusive Visible Woman!
LISTEN TO: The Human Torch vs. Count “Doctor” Nefaria!  Only one will survive! Only one will be called by his correct name!
PLUS: The return of Yujiro the Sleepy!


Episode 58: Creature Feature: Bankers

The only thing too big to fail is a dragon, and if we had dragon bankers, we bet people wouldn’t be so keen to Occupy Wall Street. You want to pass on this episode? Passing’s for quarterbacks, and I don’t see a number on your back. So, listen up and join the 1%.

Also, a review of Descent: Journeys in the Dark.


Episode 57: Narrative Structure

Is Savage Worlds better than Marvel Heroic Roleplaying: Basic Game?

[Three sentences before.]
In this episode, we discuss narrative techniques from movies and novels that you can use to make your games more fun. We look at in media res, flashbacks, flash forwards, flash sideways, epistolary novels, and reverse chronology. We also offer advice for new gamemasters, including which games are good to start with. Is Savage Worlds better than Marvel Heroic Roleplaying: Basic Game?


Episode 56: Pantheon Pandemonium: Olympus

“The gods give two sorrows for every blessing.”

Here’s your blessing. Apologies for the future sorrows.
In this latest installment of the Pantheon Pandemonium, we discuss the Greek gods and how to use themes from Greek mythology in your game. We also discuss the worst birthday gift you could possibly give your husband or wife. Hint: It’s worse than giving him or her that game you want so that you can “spend more time together”.


Episode 55: Warriors: Hoplites

This. Is. Kansai!
In this episode, we debut the first in our Warriors series. This series will take a warrior type from history and discuss key elements that you can use to make any character in any game setting a little more alive. First up, Hoplites. Are you ready to make your character worthy to stand with swift-footed Achilles and the cunning Odysseus?
