Episode 114: Weapons: Long Guns

Our second installment of Weapons looks at the role long guns (muskets, arquebuses, rifles, carbines and shotguns) in battle, society and games.  It is also our first drinking game episode*.

Take a drink:
Whenever you hear the words “trade-off” or “interesting”.
Whenever “cavalry” is pronounced “Calvary”.
Take a shot:
Whenever Chris mentions his daughter. (I think we cut those out.)
Whenever Lyal makes a mistake. (I’m pretty sure he cut those out.)
Chug while:
Wayne complains about D&D Next. (You’ll probably tune those out. We do.)

*We highly recommend non-alcoholic drinks – otherwise this game would probably kill off most of the audience.


Episode 95: Weapons: The Sword Part 2

He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword (or cancer).
In the second part of our look at the sword, we discuss how swords in games are more than just a type of die.


Episode 94: Weapons: The Sword Part 1

They say you can always judge a man by his shoes. Lies. You can judge a man or woman by his or her sword.
In our first installment of a new series, we look at the sword’s evolving role in battle and it’s less evolving role in society. We also practice our Greek and Latin (again) with mixed results (again). I think we nailed the Japanese, though.
