Video: Nemesis Unboxing

The latest Awaken Realms miniatures boardgame, Nemesis, has the very familiar sci-fi setting of a crew stranded on a xenomorph infested space ship. Although it is cooperative, each player has both a personal and corporate secret agenda that are part of their victory conditions. So when a player tells you that the engines are working or that you are totally headed to Earth, you might want to see for yourself. High-quality components and gorgeous miniatures make this game worth checking out. Don’t believe me? Watch the unboxing!

Is that a xenomorph egg in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?


Video: CMON’s Hate Boardgame Unboxing

The latest gigantic boardgame offering from Cool Mini Or Not, based on Adrian Smith’s graphic novel Chronicles of Hate, HATE: the boardgame. It pits player tribes against each other for control of the lands by taking it from other tribes in raids and combat. Does it live up to the hype? Are the miniatures as amazing as we hoped? Find out when we unbox HATE.
