Episode 132: Review: Numenera and 13th Age Part 2

“Part 2 and there seems no end in sight to this episode. Will my children recognize me when we finish? Will my wife? I had cats. Two. How long do cats live for? Oh god.
I hear voices. No, it is not madness. It is the other hosts. Something about a 13th Age. When did we start? The 1st Age? I can’t remember. I do remember two books with such promise. Will this second deliver? Is it what we’ve been seeking? I’m so tired.”

In this episode, we review 13th Age. Is it worth the 3 a.m. bedtime that the hosts suffered to bring you this review?


Episode 131: Review: Numenera & 13th Age Part 1

In this two-part episode, we review Numenera and 13th Age. This episode focuses on Kickstarter sensation Numenera. Should you buy it?

It should be noted that these reviews are based on reading the books, not playing the games. After these reviews, we’ve decided to make one our next game. It should be clear which one after listening to both parts.


Episode 98: 2012 Wrap Up

In our last episode of the year, we look at the gaming stories of 2012 that we liked and didn’t like. D&D Next manages to make both lists.


Episode 96: Monsterhearts & Dungeon World

Having successfully recovered from The Towel Incident last week, we return to discuss two “Powered by the Apocalypse” games: Monsterhearts and Dungeon World. What does a high school monster love story game have in common with a throwback to old school D&D? Studded leather.

After listening to the episode, Lyal felt that Chris and Wayne didn’t really explain how the Dungeon World game works. There is now a write-up of the session we played both here in the Idle Red Hands forum and here in the Dungeon World subforum of the Barf Forth Apocalyptica forums.


Episode 95: Weapons: The Sword Part 2

He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword (or cancer).
In the second part of our look at the sword, we discuss how swords in games are more than just a type of die.


Episode 83: Locales: Prisons

In our second Locales episode, we look at prisons with their bars, confinement, monotony, brutality and rape. Your players will love them.
We also review, with no spoilers, Prometheus and The Avengers, and discuss how to improve your Werewolf: The Forsaken game.


Episode 78: Non-D&D Fantasy

Should D&D be everyone’s gateway into RPGs?

After about ten minutes of listening to us talk about D&D, you may start to question the “Non-D&D” part of the title, but we do move on to other games. We look at Exalted, A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying, Runequest, and Dragon Age. We evaluate each game’s system, setting, and presentation. We also discuss which ones would be good gateway games. At the end, we talk about an out-of-print game that presented fantasy races in new and badass ways.


Episode 70: Friday Night Lights

“Clear eyes. Full hearts. Can’t lose!”
– Dillon Panthers’ motto

It’s Sunday night, folks, and the Idle Red Hands are without one of their star players, Chris “Flesh Wall” Idle. They’ve faced this situation before, but they are also looking at a strict no spoiler policy with this episode. It’s going to be tough talking about one of the best TV series of all time without ruining storylines. I hear that Coach Taylor is going to have them discuss how to use certain key elements and characters types in your games. Are you ready for some football?


Episode 59: Campaign Confessions: Marvel Heroic Roleplaying

Another Idle Reds Hands first, TRUE BELIEVERS! We review a game, Marvel Heroic Roleplaying: Basic Game, in the same year that it is released.
LISTEN TO: The elusive Visible Woman!
LISTEN TO: The Human Torch vs. Count “Doctor” Nefaria!  Only one will survive! Only one will be called by his correct name!
PLUS: The return of Yujiro the Sleepy!


Episode 48: Campaign Confessions: Cosmic Patrol

What do two and a half white men know about blaxploitation movies? Unsurprisingly, very little, but we totally dug playing Soul Patrol, Wayne’s funky version of Cosmic Patrol. In this episode, we chill, get our groove on and review the righteous Cosmic Patrol from Catalyst Game Labs. We also discuss what other genres would work well with this slick game. Solid!
