Episode 14: Mashups: The Twist

Another Idle Red Hands first (for us, at least)! We debut Mashups, where we blend different elements to make new(ish) game settings. In this episode, we add twists to fictional and historical settings.

It’s an extra long episode (or as the Japanese say, plus alpha) because we had so much fun doing the first two mashups, we decided to do a third one. How much fun they are to listen to is up to you. The consensus is that the first one is the weakest link (or as the Japanese say, the red-headed stepchild).


The Hyborian Age is set after Atlantis sank, not before. Kull is part of the Thurian Age, not the Hyborian Age, and is actually from Atlantis. Both were created by Robert E. Howard. Lyal has since turned in his Conan Fan Club card.

Kirk Douglas was a contemporary of Burt Lancaster, not Kurt Russell. Yes, Lyal again. He refuses to turn in his Kurt Russell Fan Club card, however.

Jason Straham was in Crank, not Crash. Chris was going to turn in his Jason Straham Fan Club card until he was reminded that it was the only one in existence.


Episode 11: Campaign Confessions: Taking a Bite Out of Detroit Part 1

Special offer! Download Part 1 for free and get Part 2 for the low, low price of nothing. Offer expires in 2056.

In this installment of Campaign Confessions, we look at the World of Darkness system and the Vampire: The Requiem setting and system. We also explain how we track blood/glamour, health, and damage in Vampire and Changeling. (There’s some dispute over who gets credit for that.)

Yujiro guest hosts.


Episode 6: Intro to Gaming

Everything you always wanted to know about pen-and-paper role-playing games but were afraid (or couldn’t be bothered) to ask.

The Idle Red Hands are blessed with some great friends who, despite having no clue about RPGs, listen to our podcast. One recommended that we record an episode that explains some of the basic concepts to help him follow along, so we did. This is for him and all those who have ever wondered why some people choose to spend their Saturday nights rolling dice.

If you’re an experienced gamer, have a listen to see if you agree with our descriptions, definitions, and recommendations.

To start a lifetime of adventure, download these free rules for GURPS 4th Edition from the good people at Steve Jackson Games (or visit your local army recruiting center).

Special note: We debut our new microphone this episode.


Episode 2: Oh, the humanity!

In this episode, we look at the morality and motivation systems in Dungeons and Dragons, Palladium, World of Darkness and DC Heroes. We discuss whether they work for their games, whether they’d work for other games, and whether we need systems like these at all. There’s also a great tip on how your lawful good character can be a cold-blooded torturer and still stay true to their alignment. No kidding.

For those of you that thought that episodes 0 and 1 were okay but could have used more Wayne, this episode is for you.

The topic for episode 3 is alluded to at the end. Unfortunately, we lost the episode. The “experiment” is a series of mini-campaigns we have planned to explore different genres and systems. We’ll discuss these in future episodes.


Episode 1: I got your backSTORY

Character Creation: Take 2. Practice may not have made perfect in this case, but it’s certainly a lot better than our initial effort. You’re welcome!
In this episode, we discuss what should go into making a character, from the Yujiro’s “Your character in 60 seconds or less” to Lyal’s “Research and Ride-alongs”. Wayne makes a joke that he then needed to explain to Lyal after the episode. (It still wasn’t funny.)

A big thank you to Chris for working so hard to improve the sound quality.
