Episode 146: Campaign Confessions: Pathfinder Part 1

“Fighting a dragon is always a challenge. They are the kind of problem that calls for an A-10 Thunderbolt II and lots of rockets. Unfortunately, these things won’t be invented for another thousand years or so. In a pinch, you can get by with some household cleansers, rope, and magic, the duct tape of the fantasy world.”
-Michael West(en), Burned Rogue/Illusionist

In Part 1 of our latest Campaign Confessions, we give our thoughts on the Pathfinder system.


Episode 145: Crap Movies, Great Games

We’ve all been there. Your evening starts with such promise. Then, ten, fifteen, or twenty minutes into a movie, you realize that the movie is going to suck – hard. A crap movie hurts in so many ways: sadness, loss of time and money, boredom.
Idle Red Hands can help. Idle Red Hands is a prescription podcast that treats many symptoms of crap movies by showing you how elements of them can be turned into great games. Don’t let crap movies crap on you.

*Tell your doctor right away if your boredom worsens, you have unusual changes in behavior (besides better games), you have thoughts of suicide, or you find Wayne’s jokes funny. Side effects may include backache, earache, and nausea. If you have an allergic reaction, such as hives, rash, or swelling of the lips, stop listening and consult your doctor.
